Most likely, 99% of women would like their stomach flatter. Whatever the motivation, the new Abs Diet promises amazing results in 2014!
Diet author David Zincenko (magazine Men's Health in Women's Health editor in chief) believes he has found the right formula to six weeks to get the perfect Abs with a specially designed diet and physical activity. The latest book about The Abs Diet (New Abs Diet for Women) adequate attention paid to both exercise and a proper diet, and the new edition is accompanied by scientific research, the optimal portion of the decoder and recommendations to help improve the nutritional health.
Tips For Women |
Diet last for six weeks , but as good as they can be guided throughout life . Every day for three meals and three snacks. The first snack to eat two hours before lunch , the second - two hours before dinner , the third may be withheld for two hours after dinner . Each meal should include at least two of the 12 super food diet , but all the dishes focus on proteins. They help maintain a longer feeling of satiety and helps to regenerate muscles. Six meals a day needed by the body at all times be supplied with energy and nutrients and eventually not go hungry . In order to promote fat burning and loss of muscle mass , it is necessary not only to comply with dietary recommendations , but also to engage in physical activity . Every day physical strain should be allowed at least 20 minutes. Twice a week should be Abs exercises three times a week, devote strength or endurance training . Day energy intake ranges from 1,400 to 1,600 kcal . Every day is drink plenty of water ( at least 8 glasses ) , and consumption of alcoholic beverages should be reduced to two glasses a week. Once a week is allowed to err , and one of the provided meals to eat what the heart desires , say, Sunday morning porridge instead of doom pancakes with cheese filling . ABS during the diet is recommended in addition to the use of a multivitamin complex containing chromium , vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 . Engaging in physical activity, the body reduces the amount of vitamin B , while chromium is necessary for growing muscle .
Basic principles of diet.
- last 6 weeks
- Every day, 3 meals and 3 snacks
- Each meal a protein product, and 2 diet super foods
- Exercise at least 20 minutes a day
12 diet natural super foods: 1.Almond and other nuts with skins
2.Beans, peas and other legumes
3.Spinach and other green vegetables
4.Dairy products with reduced fat: lean milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese
5.Oatmeal (unsweetened)
7.Lean meat: turkey, chicken, lean steak and fish
8.Peanut butter (no sugar)
9.Olive oil
10.Whole grain cereals and bread
12.Whey protein shake
What products are excluded?
The menu will not find any refined carbohydrate-containing products, fried foods, sugar, white rice, paste, fructose syrup, boiled in oil products, margarine, food, which is prepared using partially hydrogenated oils, milk products, fatty foods, and saturated fats. After diet author is convinced that these products contribute to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.
Abs diet is also consistent with the generally accepted dietary recommendations:
1) On the day of the caloric intake of 20-35% should be fat. Based on ABS diet, the admission average of 27% fat.
2) Proteins should account for 10-35%. Within the ABS diet, the average amount of protein is 28%.
3) amount of carbohydrate may vary from 45 to 65%. Here it will be an average of 47%.
Importantly, dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, withholding diet is optimal. Only the amount of potassium is less than recommended, and it may not necessarily benefit people with high blood pressure and those who eat a lot of salt.
Where to look for guidance?
If this diet seems acceptable, the most sensible step to buy any of the books with a detailed description of the diet and recipes. More detailed information can be found in your diet in internet where you can sign up and become a member of The Abs Diet for support during slimming. Diet adherents have developed a compendium of recipes instant meals, a special guide on nutrition, a variety of workout DVDs, as well as a guide to following this diet to become and remain a slide for life.