Thursday, 12 June 2014

16 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle Indeed!

Living healthy does not mean to eat only salad. Must pay close attention to intakes of vitamins, minerals, acid / alkaline balance in the body and comply with any other prerequisites.

The healthiest food is cooking to your self, so avoid semi-processed, preserved or refined foods.

1.Check your acid / alkaline balance and adjust it according to metabolic type.

William Volcot, one of the world's leading experts in metabolic type questions and the book "Diet for a metabolic type" (The Metabolic Typing Diet, New York, NY: Doubleday, 2000), the author has analyzed the autonomic nervous system is responsible for a variety of metabolic processes. According to his theory, we belong to the carbohydrate or protein metabolic type. To a man who owns a protein metabolic type diet with high protein acts quite differently than the people who belong to a type of carbohydrate. Volcot believe that belonging to a certain type of metabolism also provides an environment - an acidic or alkaline - will be in the body for a specific product use. For example, for some vegetables can create an alkaline environment in the body, while others are the same vegetables - an acidic environment. In order to always maintain a slightly alkaline environment, determine metabolic type. Detailed test to determine metabolic type, can be found at

2.Eat natural, organic farmed products, preferring local grown seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Pesticides are linked to many diseases, including infertility, cancer, birth defects, skin disorders and impotence. In organic farmed meat animals are fed with grass and hay (as nature intended), rather than with the grain, and eco-product is much more valuable nutrients. The court also sausages and bacon produced on an organic farm, may be carcinogenic nitrates, so buy them from the manufacturer, which guarantees that the meat does not contain nitrates.

3.Cook for themselves.

The main condition to repeat over and nutritionists - have a diverse diet. If possible avoid semi-processed, canned, fried, refined and changed the food in any way that could be treated with preservatives or other chemicals. Several Allergists believe that allergies can lead to metal cans, because they emit bisphenol A. Also, avoid plastic bottles that may contain phthalates, which have estrogen.

4.Eat breakfast.

Those who have a large portion of the calories in the morning for breakfast, the day will not feel so hungry and energy is used efficiently. This helps to prevent or avoid obesity. Besides not eating breakfast increases heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes risk.
5.Do not count calories.
To keep the weight of the desired range, use the low-glycemic index diet (GI). Compared to other diet programs, the GI diet studies proved to be the most suitable weight loss. This diet program carbohydrates are sorted by the impact which they have on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI cause low levels of sugar and insulin fluctuations in the blood, while a high GI products represent an enormous influx of sugar. Avoid processed foods and all things white: white bread, white sugar and white rice, and fried food and potatoes. Give preference to meat, fish, legumes, and most of the vegetables.

6.Balance the Omega 3 and Omega 6 quantities.

Correct Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid imbalance in the body - these fatty acids are important for a number of body functions and deficiency can cause a variety of diseases. The recommended ratio is 1:1,7, but modern western diet is usually the ratio 1:20 in favor of omega 6 fatty acids (which are composed of vegetable oils such as corn and sunflower oil). Always worth bearing in mind that it is better to pick up more Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids less. Give preference to fish oil and flax or linseed oil, which contains 60% omega-3 fatty acids.

7.Carefully select the fish that you eat.

Most fish are contaminated with industrial waste and mercury, even those fish that are grown on farms, but fed by inadequate diet - grains. Avoid swordfish, tuna and other deep-water fish, perhaps because they may contain more mercury than fish staying in the shallows. Take a protein from a variety of sources - it will reduce the risk associated with them and eat harmful chemicals.

8.Avoid wheat.

For many people this is a relatively recent introduction of this product in the diet causes health problems, and mainly because wheat is genetically modified. In any kind of a wheat germ agglutinins in small quantities may suppress nerve growth factor, which is important for healthy neurons. Agglutinins can cause endocrine disruption, lead to rheumatic arthritis, ulcers, insulin resistance and kidney and digestive problems. Agglutinins may also lead to cell death and chronic inflammation. It is better to eat other cereals - millet, buckwheat, wholegrain rice and corn.

9.Eat plenty of green to cover the calcium.

No matter how incredible it sounded, dairy products are rich in calcium, may contribute to depletion of calcium in the body, and also calcium supplements are not always properly absorbed. In a large study, it was shown that high consumption of pasteurized milk does not prevent bone fractures. Conversely, only a green leafy vegetable portion per day, which is an excellent source of calcium, halved the risk of break a hip bone.

10Check out the stomach acid.

If you suffer from reflux of stomach acid or gastro-intestinal problems, check your stomach acid.
11.Cut down white death.(SUGAR)
Aside from tooth decay and diabetes, regular white sugar makes the immune system white blood cells to reduce operation time by 40 percent. Sugar consumption is associated with intestinal inflammation, gallstones and kidney stones, high blood pressure, stomach and uterine cancer, and even short-sightedness. Refined white sugar actually comes just bad.

12.Regularly clean yourself from inside.

Our blood can be found in more than 100 000 chemical substances. It is now known that some of them bio accumulate human body fat and can cause a number of health problems. Regularly go to the sauna, Exercise and eat a lot of fibre, as well as chlorella and spirulina drink preparations, eat cilantro - all this will help to get rid of heavy metals in the body.

13.Avoid high fructose corn syrup content.

Although it is used in almost all industrial produced food and in the manufacture of lemonades (one serving of cola has about 17 teaspoons of high fructose corn syrup content), processing of syrup can penetrate the killing mercury. Do not dry sweeteners, such as aspartame, which are classified as many toxins that attack and to cause brain cell damage in animals. Aspartame is also associated with cancer in animal.

14.Use a little alcohol.

Low alcohol consumption (a glass every few days) drinking is the safest way, compared to a regular drink themselves or absolute abstinence from alcoholic beverages. It also may help prevent heart disease. The best for this purpose is a red wine containing resveratrol healthy.

15.Drink good quality supplements with multivitamins and minerals.

Unless live in the countryside and eat only natural foods can almost assure you that you are missing a vitamin or mineral. It is worthwhile to check with a qualified food scientists and create their own situation, adequate nutrition. However, even if you do not have this option, it is recommended to use on a daily basis in addition to vitamins and minerals.

16.Take enough vitamin D.

In a Latvian study revealed that more than half of the 7869 people who tested the blood levels of vitamin D, the vitamin D deficiency, and this same scene remained negative in the summer months. In sufficient quantities - above 30 ng / ml - it was only a fifth of the people. Vitamin D provides a natural protection against most types of cancers and heart disease, as well as improving blood circulation and immunity. People who regularly takes extra vitamin D, 7% improved life expectancy. Vitamin D is formed in the body when exposed to sunlight: it is enough if a sunny day you keep out only 5-15 minutes without protection cream (the best time - from 10 to 15), and you're already taping the required amount of vitamin D. The alternative - to drink 600-1000 IU (international units) of vitamin per day (400-1000 IU for children and young people up to 18 years).