Friday 18 April 2014

How Sitting Too Long Affects Your Body!!!

How Sitting Too Long Affects Your Body!!!


Blood clots that form after sitting too rigidly can travel to the brain , causing strokes.

In individuals who experience heart failure , fluid first backs up in the lungs.

Physical activity reduces the risk of hypertension , or high blood pressure.

Sitting too much contributes to obesity and colon cancer. Enzymes in the blood vessels of muscles responsible for burning fat get shut off , and the body`s method of metabolizing fuels such as glucose and lipids gets disturbed.

Fluid retained in the legs during the day moves to the neck at night and contributes to obstructive sleep apnea.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to cardiovascular diseases. In people who suffer from heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea , fluid collects in the lungs and neck at night.

 Fluid collects in the legs during sitting. Walking helps pump it out before it causes problems.

Monday 14 April 2014

Not Sleep Enough And Not Eating Breakfast? 7 Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight!

We are perfectly aware that health and great looking on good metabolism, which helps to process food and eliminate from the body of excess toxins and impurities. Find out which impede and obstruct the metabolism to lose excess weight.

Regular eating is one of the most important preconditions for a good metabolism.

Irregular eating

Our people are not heard during the stress of your body, a lot of work and the only meal choose evening. This is a mistake . In the morning, your metabolism is faster, but in the evening by going to bed it will slow down . If you eat once or twice a day, and most of the food intake in the evening before going to bed , the resulting energy reserves go . The bad state of health can be both a cause that's what we eat and eating regime - how and when to eat. It is therefore advisable to withhold the last meal two to three hours before sleeping. Physiologically, better and healthier to eat more often and in small portions .

Not enough sleep

Poor sleep and of sleep negatively affects well-being , resulting in less turned in the day , the burning fewer calories . If you have a chronic of sleep , your body starts to build up energy reserves in the form of weakness . The physical condition makes it practically impossible to slimming .

Female Periods

Women in the body , along with blood loses iron, which supplies oxygen to the body's cells . Upon receiving less oxygen , the cells become inactive and will slow down the metabolism . Therefore, at this time, recommended to eat more iron -containing products - liver, spinach , broccoli .
Sedentary work

Office at the computer , in the car at the wheel, at home on the couch . A common scene ? It turns out that you just 20 minutes to sit still in one place without moving the metabolism starts to slow down . Not for nothing is often heard suggestions from time to time to leave the job and go for a walk or stretch . If you do not live too far from work, it is better to use warm weather walks , it will improve blood circulation and definitely will quickly set to achieve your weight loss goals.

Poor eatingWhen the body does not get the required amount of calories , it starts starvation mode . This means that the metabolism slows down . In addition, insufficient and poor diet does not allow the body to get fiber, which improves digestion .

Calcium deficiency

Calcium plays a very important role in our body's metabolic processes , it affects many hormones and enzymes . British nutritionist studies have shown that when people increase consumption of calcium to 1300 mg per day , they lose excess weight twice faster than those used in normal calcium levels. Calcium in dairy products , egg yolk , and kale .

One of the causes of disease is also a chronic lack of blood cells.

Inadequate water consumption

Water metabolism of the body is paramount. Drink lots of water ! When the body senses a lack of water , the liver can not break down fats, because they first have to restore the stock fluid in the body. If you drink cold water, then consume even more calories.

Skipping breakfast

Do not give breakfast the body begins to accumulate power, without it , you run the risk of overeat at lunch . Research has shown that those who need exists breakfast four times higher risk of obesity . It is therefore advisable definitely eat breakfast because they are a good starting point for the process of metabolism . If you want to lose weight , eat small portions 4-5 times a day as a meal metabolic rate dramatically increases.





Tuesday 8 April 2014

5 Slimming Methods, Which Unfortunately Do Not Work!!!

Almost every day appear to a diet that promises to melt the extra pounds in record time. Unfortunately, often works on the principle - the louder the promises as less convincing result.

Women tormented themselves with strict diets, trying to get your dream shape.

If in memory of winter gone, we left some extra kilos, of course, we want as soon as possible and easier to get rid of this weight. Therefore, the diet is very attractive. No sweat in the gym or in the morning run. Only change your menu.

However, not everything always turns out as smoothly as you were hoping. After the diet scales still shows the same number, fasting made ​​you a walking ball of nerves or lost pounds within a short time is back with vengeance. There is even a category of women who are forever "on a diet", but not reduce weight as it persists. Dieters main problem is that it is a short-term gamble, after which you return to your previous life - and this was the reason but kilos, is not it?
"Find out the slimming methods are likely to mislead you"
1.Moving away from carbohydrates.
It is not healthy , because your body will not be as quick to adapt to the new changes . You will feel tired and mental abilities will come down to make your working day of hell. Much better is not completely avoid carbs , but not to take it at night and reduce the proportion of carbohydrate -rich meals products . This method can help in the fight against obesity , but only if access to, with a cool head and follow it in the long run .

Healthy shake prepared from blended kale , spinach and other natural food, rich in fibre and vitamins. However, they tend to be complementary to a light meal instead of a cocktail to replace the entire meal . If this regime will try to live a long time , it soon will be present debility . The following cocktails as you do not bear the proteins that your body is very important.

3.Vegetable diet .
You can not live on just salad and fruit, because such a diet is not enough . You will not intake all the necessary nutrients for the body , and it will affect not only the body but also the emotional balance. Balance your diet with abundant protein or brown rice , which is a much healthier and more valuable than white . So you will lose weight, but feel good and take over a hunger .

4.Celebrity diet .
Do you feel transported to the temptation to try again slimming product if it advertises a celebrity with a stunning figure ? Before you hurry to buy , remember that her slimming tablets from companies received considerable royalties on product glorification . The glossy magazine described the diet as you can not make Jessica Alba , in addition to active sports stars , and some of them have gone bad habits .

5.Stomach artificial fill.
Recently, the world was taken over by a new slimming trend - fibre pill that expands in your stomach 50 times. It fills a place in your stomach , leaving little room for food. In the past, diet slaves tried to achieve a similar effect by swallowing cotton balls . No calories, but a belly full ! Needless to say, this is not no good . However, there is a healthy alternative - to fill your stomach with healthy fibre found in fruits and vegetables .

If you want to get rid of excess weight , the key to success lies in a healthy lifestyle and consistency. No diet slimming is unable to resist the golden rule - consuming more calories than it is taking . This can be done in two ways. Either eat smaller portions or less calorie -rich meals, either in the " burning " excess calories with exercise. Stick to natural, unprocessed products and make sure that your diet representation of all nutrients - protein , carbohydrates , fibre and fat . Each of them has a role in the body's maintenance. If you really want to get rid of excess weight ,see professional nutritionist that will make you the perfect diet plan .

Sunday 6 April 2014

Tired Of Fighting With Overweight? 5 Golden Rules Of Food!!!


Beach season is not far away, so it is the right time to focus on a healthy lifestyle. 5 golden basic laws to be followed to get rid of unwanted pounds.

Vegetables are low in calories, but they suppresses hunger.

1.Eat a lot of vegetables .
Vegetables are low in calories , but they are very well- filled stomachs . So you can secure the heart in large quantities to eat vegetables , and you'll be on the long overtaken by the feeling of hunger . However, as far as possible avoid oils and a variety of nutritious sauces are added , so that all the good intentions will be in the wind . It is best to eat fresh or steamed vegetables , not fried .

2.Careful with fruit !
Fruit is a great natural fibre and sugar source , but they can easily be exaggerated. It is then taken too much sugar and carbohydrates in thy diet beneficial to not come . Of course , not give them the full , but look more closely though. If you'd like tasty snacks than go for a fruit or 100g of nuts.

3.Watch out for the protein energy bars .
Advertising as it does praise such as protein bars as a very healthy treats , but in fact they have a lot of fat , carbohydrates and preservatives . In addition, some of them are not very nutritionally better than normal chocolate bars , so only as a marketing trick . Do not let yourself fool ! Before buying thoroughly sample composition bars .
4.More protein!
If you're constantly hungry, you will probably not receive meals with enough protein. Lunch with fresh salad eating lean meats such as chicken or beef. This will help you to defeat hunger for a longer period of time. As well as try to eat protein first meal of the richest part, but only after the matter, which is usually more carbohydrates and fat.
Even with this diet, do not forget about protein rich meals.

5.Drink more water.
Water helps your body digest food better, and even your skin look younger and more radiant. You drink a glass of water before meals will fill your stomach and will not overeat. More water you need in these days when in sports.
Try to incorporate these things into your daily life. It's not hard, but give tangible results. It is important only to return to old habits that led pounds,comes again like mushrooms after the rain.