Saturday, 8 March 2014

Gerson Therapy - Diet Plan That Promises To Defeat CANCER!

Gerson Therapy is a special dietary regimen that promises to cleanse the body, boost the immune system and stimulate the metabolism and release from disease. Even from a malignant tumor! Or found a miraculous way to recover?

Gerson therapy is based on organically grown, fresh juices and dietary supplements

Gerson diet plan promises to activate the body's ability to self- heal and to relieve cancer . The desired effect is achieved , subject to a number of principles . First, follow a vegetarian diet , and eat only organic grown products . Second, a major role to freshly squeezed juices that supply the body the necessary nutrients , enzymes , vitamins and minerals. Third, in addition to use natural supplements, and to the elimination of toxins from the liver , regular coffee klizmas.Visi render these principles are needed to help the body cleanse . Over a lifetime, we take a lot of carcinogens and toxic substances. This occurs via the air we breathe , food and water , and pharmaceuticals. Gerson intensive cleansing treatment releases toxins and gives the green light to the recovery process . In his philosophical essence of this therapy is the opposite of modern medical methods , which are mostly struggling with symptom management . Instead Gerson therapy is to cope with the toxicity and nutrient deficiency , the main causes of all diseases , at least in the opinion of treatment supporters . Gerson therapy is known as a strong, natural treatments that strengthen the body's immune functioning so that no additional medication can cure cancer, arthritis , heart disease , allergies, and other chronic ailments.
Gerson therapy requires daily drink 13 glasses of fresh juice.
Nutritional mode

Nutrition Plan is designed to take it as many vitamins, minerals, enzymes , trace elements , and as little as possible - sodium , fat, and protein .

Nutrition Plan is as follows:- 13 glasses a day of freshly squeezed carrot / apple, green leafy vegetables and juices. They drink every hour , and they are prepared may be used only organically grown fruits and vegetables.- Day to withhold three vegetarian meals made ​​from organically grown fruits , vegetables and whole grain products. They can be a salad , vegetable soup , steamed vegetables or baked potatoes.- Fresh fruit and vegetables allowed , without any quantitative limit .Additional should also take dietary supplements - vitamin B12 , Lugol's solution , castor oil , potassium supplements , thyroid hormones and pancreatic enzymes , and coffee enemas should be . ( Even up to five coffee enemas per day !) All nutritional supplements and enemas are used with the aim to purify the body and promote its recovery.Prohibited products
Prefabricated and animal products

- All prefabricated products packaged in bottles or cans, frozen , canned, refined, salted, smoked or processed by the sulfur.- Factory -produced drinks : a carbonated soft drinks , juices, iced tea and similar drinks .- Cakes, pastries , cookies and other bakery products .- Dairy products . They contain a lot of fat , while fat-free milk products usually contain other undesirable additives, such as sodium. Permitted is only natural additive free yogurt with low fat content .- Meat, eggs, fish and other marine products . They are all high in protein, digestible and it is difficult to impose an additional burden on the liver and other excretory organs .- Oil and grease . With the exception of fresh , crude linseed oil , no shortening is not allowed .

Vegetables and fruits / berries

- Cucumber and avocado . Cucumbers contain a lot of sodium , while the avocado is too high in fat.- Pineapple and berries. Gerson discovered that many of his patients show allergic symptoms , most likely from aromatic acids, which are present in the food . As the acid affects the recovery process , berries and pineapples should not eat .- Mushrooms . Since they do not belong to the vegetables , but in the mushroom country and their nutritional value is not high, mushrooms excluded from the diet . They are also difficult to digest .- Alfalfa sprouts . They contain many l - kanavanīnu in immature amino acid and can suppress the immune system.


- Alcohol . It is not allowed since it limits the ability of blood to supply the body with oxygen, an additional burden on the liver and is considered to be toxic .- Drinking water . Contrary to all the dietary recommendations to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day Gerson therapy patients is not recommended because the water can dilute stomach acid. Recommended freshly squeezed juice at the same time take care that the liquid in the body of the nutrients.- Coffee (including decaffeinated coffee drinks ) . Coffee and drinks have a negative impact on the digestive system , and unwanted caffeine stimulates the central nervous system.- Black tea . All teas contain caffeine , are prohibited.

Legumes and nuts

- Dried beans and other legumes . Legumes are difficult gremojams product containing enzyme inhibitors . The only authorized the lens.- Soy and its products . Soya has a high protein content as well as substances that affect the absorption of other nutrients .- Nuts and seeds . Are not allowed, because it contains a lot of protein, fat , enzyme inhibitors , and it is difficult digestible .

Ideally this treatment is to start a professional escort and - ideally - one of the clinics , which cooperates Gerson Institute ( Latvia nearest Hungary, near Budapest ) . Every day, faced with about 9 kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables , which are necessary to force the recommended daily dose of juice . Perhaps for this reason, the Gerson Institute recommends to buy a second fridge to store everything you need. Therapy can last - from a few months to several years , related cost . However, if this therapy can improve the health and quality of life , money, as you know, gets a whole different meaning .


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