Monday, 24 February 2014

Attention Weight Watchers! Diet Cola Only Raise Some Kilograms!

Many women who want to slim down, from time to time permit a can of cola dietary or other carbonated beverages. Advertisements but says that they are 0 calories! But that does not mean that you will not gain weight.


Scientists believe that diet soda soft drinks are not good to lose or maintain weight!

It turns out you can unwittingly achieved exactly the opposite effect. American scientists found that obese people who drank lemonade dietary , then the food took significantly more calories than they fat guys who drank the usual soft drinks . "Diet " fizzy drinks contain artificial sweeteners , which negatively affects the body control appetite. You still feel hungry . Although these drinks are the same for yourself any calories not , soon you begin to hanker after out calories and will try to compensate with bold snacks .

" Advertising is trying to convince people that artificially sweetened products are healthy and help get rid of unwanted pounds or at least to not gain weight ," said study author Susan Svitersa from Purdue University . " Such statements are not strong foundation. Although it seems reasonable that diet sodas are better than usual , seemingly sensible option is not always true . " Both dietary and other high-calorie drinks have a negative impact on health. A passion for them is one of the factors that can lead to obesity , type 2 diabetes , and heart disease. To the risk of disease will increase significantly , it is enough each day to drink one can of .

Meanwhile, carbonated beverage manufacturers continue to claim that their products are completely safe , goes on to say - as long as your diet is balanced and proportionate , and there are plenty of physical activity . Justice alone , but scientists have reason to believe that artificial sweeteners the substance makes it a very difficult task . Therefore, the recommended dietary drinks peddle only as long as the ironclad diet plan and you've got enough willpower to then audited the fridge in search of salt or sweet snacks . In fact, dietary lemonade should be viewed in the same way as any other sweet treats. If your goal is to lose weight , it is better to avoid them.



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